Suzy and I have loved Jimmy Buffet for the longest time. When she found out earlier this year that he was playing in Atlanta right around her birthday, all she could talk about was getting Jimmy Buffet tickets for her birthday. She reminded me on a daily basis when they were going to be on sale. The day of the sale, several of my friends and I got online and started trying to purchase tickets the moment they were made available. Unfortunatley for us, everyone in Atlanta was trying to do the same. I kept hoping that we'd find a cheap pair on Ebay but that was impossible, a pair of seats were going for around $500. Suzy got so upset that she penned Mr. Buffet a letter telling him how she thought it was unfair that the ticket scalpers got all the seats and left everyone to pay inflated prices. She also suggested that he could make this better by giving us free tickets to the show. Well the show came and went (in the pouring rain) and we never heard from Jimmy B until this photo arrived in the mail today.
What a great gesture. Suzy was on the phone screaming to me as she opened the mail. She is literally on cloud 9 as I post this. Good going Jimmy Buffet, you really do care about your fans.
Great going. Persistence pays off. Got some of your Grandmother Farmer in you. Never give up on something you really want.
hey aims!
i wish i had known suz was such a fan - my brother in L.A. is good friends with Mike (& wife Fran) Utley, Buffet's keyboardist - geez, maybe next time i could try to pull some strings - by the way LOVE your blog !!
aim b.
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