Thursday, February 21, 2008


Typical morning for me, running around as usual, trying to corral Cooper while moving towards getting out the door. I glanced down at my watch to see how late we already were, and took time to notice the date. February 21, it would have been Grandma's 95th birthday. Wow, just wow. Who knew a silly little date could trigger so many memories of her.
I started thinking about last year when we took the fruit tart from Harry's up to the nursing home to celebrate with her. She was so proud to have us all up there with her. (link to the blog). I hope she knows we are thinking about her today, even if she isn't physically with us anymore. Remembering who she was and that twinkle she would get in her eyes...... We love you Grandma.
I would love to go home and have a piece of birthday cake in her honor, but to be honest the appetite just isn't quite back yet. Dan and I are back at work, but it's taking more than a couple of days to get over this "crud" we have. My voice is still missing, and I know Danny has had some severe sinus pain. Suz, well she's curled up in bed wondering why she feels so icky. I think Cooper must have some super-human daycare enhanced immune system, because he is wilder than ever. You only really comprehend how much energy a toddler has when you have none yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the tribute to Mom. Yesterday was a hard day, but the memories were good.